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$650.00 (USD)

He Nose Regret #5 - "His Nose Returneth"

Ink on paper.

Width (inches): 11
Height (inches): 10
He Nose Regret #5 - \"His Nose Returneth\"
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Bell, Marc
Marc's unique artwork and stories will always appeal to both the young and old reader alike. The deranged young and old, but the young and old nontheless.SHRIMPY & PAUL is a charming concoction of dream-like imagery and logic, combined with the unrequited passion of a young girl's ink doodles found in the pages of high school binders across the nation. Marc's work is never predictable, gut-bustingly funny, and always surprising. Marc Bell also has a significant fine-art career and is represented by Adam Baumgold Gallery in New York.
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