Brown, Chester
Chester Brown is the destroyer of minds, hearts and history.Minds with his avant-guarde comedy and first long-work, ED THE HAPPY CLOWN, featuring nothing less than a masturbating giant squid, a man's anus as the portal to another dimension, and a talking-penis head with the face of beloved ex-president Ronald Regan. Oh yeah - and a sweet clown and dead vampire girl.Hearts with his autobiographical works, THE PLAYBOY and I NEVER LIKED YOU, which absolutely devastate any reader brave enough to tackle their honest and horrifyingly frank portrayals of teenage neuroses and angst, as well as his gentle and melancholic shorts found in the collection, LITTLE MAN AND OTHER STORIES.History with his lucid but extremely personal biography of Metis rebel leader, LOUIS RIEL. Far from revisionist, this is a deeply moving portrayal of a conflicted but historically important figure in Canada's fractured history. Chester Brown does not sell the original artwork from his comics. He does some commisioned works recreating pages or panels from his comics to satisfy collector demand. The items below fit somewhere in-between.
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